Einfach mal drüber nachdenken.
Gerade erst habe ich meine Gedanken zum Thema Kreativitätstechniken niedergeschrieben. Kaum eine Stunde später stoße ich bei „Marketing Profs – Daily Fix“ auf eine Liste mit 101 Ideen.
Nicht alle sind wirklich sinnvoll. Manche eher lustig oder ironisch.
Die besten kreativsten habe ich herausgegriffen und hier aufgelistet.
- Go for a drive with the windows open.
- Call a random phone number — ask a stranger.
- Ask a child.
- Paint your bedroom.
- Consult tarot cards.
- Sing a show tune on a crowded elevator.
- Do a crossword puzzle.
- Ask the least creative person you know.
- Ask your local postal worker.
- Take a shower with your clothes on.
- Ask yourself, “What rhymes with orange?”
- Flip a coin.
- Go shopping!
- Write the alphabet backwards.
- How would an ant solve the problem?
- Create a silly solution that rhymes.
- Make paper airplanes.
- Browse through a bookstore.
- Make a sculpture with mashed potatoes.
- Write out the problem with your opposite hand.
- Change your brand of coffee.
- Find the solution in the clouds.
- Contort your face in a strange and unusual ways.
- Go for a walk in the rain.
- Pick up something with your toes.
- Stand on your head.
- Stand on someone else’s head.
- Call a psychic hotline, laugh at their predictions.
- Caffeine.
- More caffeine.
- Call mom, she can fix anything.
- Watch slasher movies to boost your creative confidence.
- Walk outside and wave to a stranger.
- Find a new word in the dictionary.
- Dance a polka.
- Play in a toy store.
- Alphabetize your refrigeratables.
- Clean your toilet.
Einige Ideen werde ich auf jeden Fall ausprobieren!
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